Why work with us?

Healthcare is complex and fragmented. Every year premiums increase and carrier stock prices continue to climb. Consolidation of carriers and pharmacy benefit managers further reduce competition. Research shows that 25% of healthcare spend is wasteful with 50% of patients left confused about their own health plans, while 44% hit a dead end and stop pursuing services they need. The traditional carrier options trend at 6% year-over-year repeating the same lackluster results at every renewal.

The future of healthcare is looking more uncertain, as a result, mid-sized companies are increasingly seeking better options. Carriers have little incentive to truly contain costs as revenues are based upon a percentage of incurred claim. Members are left to research and fumble through the system on their own. Going through the same process each year with the same carriers and expecting a different outcome is fruitless.

It’s time to take back control.

C3 Benefit Strategies is dedicated to helping employers achieve their objectives and implement the best solution. Clients choose to work with us because;

Inpatient Admissions


Inpatient Length of Stay


Inpatient Days




Cost of Cases


Learn more about how we get you noticeable results.