C3B/TEB Pros

Why have one good broker when you can have two great brokers?

C3Benefit Strategies powered by Total Employee Benefits (TEB Pros)!
Through our affiliation together, TEB Pros & C3 Benefit Strategies are positioned to deliver strategic solutions with a full-service platform driving value through innovation and superior customer support.

Together we provide our clients with the latest tools, training, and technologies to address the challenges of an ever-evolving workforce. Industry-leading financial analysis, plan design modeling, data analytics, and employee communications resources help our clients attract talented employees, improve employee satisfaction, and promote retention.

 Additional benefits of our strategic affiliation:

 Compliance and Regulatory: We provide all our clients access to our Benefits Compliance and HR Portal, where they have access to self-service benefits compliance information, webinars, presentations, white papers, and state/federal compliance checklists.

 Education and Development: Online and client-facing training, custom communication pieces, and monthly newsletters, delivering real-time updates and information on the ever-changing employee benefits landscape.

Legislative Updates: Our clients have a comprehensive platform of support and resources that inform them of enacted or upcoming legal and regulatory changes at both the state and federal levels.